Monday, July 30, 2018

Nose to Grindstone, July Training!

July is consistently my favorite month of the year. This was a quiet race month, with only the New York City Triathlon on July 1st (I wrote more about that race in my last installment if you’d like more details). On the training front, however, it was one of the busiest months ever! Last week swimming volume peaked, hitting 16,000 yards over 5 swims. Cycling volume peaked earlier in the month with a 283 mile week. Running has been consistent, but not overdone, with each week at 35-42 miles covered.

I’m trying something new this summer. Most of my training every previous year has been done on my own. I would estimate that 99% of training since exiting college has been a solo affair. This year I am spending more time working with others. Good training partners were difficult to come by living in Vermont, with the exception of my roomate Eric. Throughout July this year, I probably have done more than half of my swimming with Nick, the young up and comer who beat me at the duathlon in May, and Kevin, a local swim/triathlon coach who can still wreck a 200 in 2:08 (from a push!). Having a swimmer of very similar ability by my side in hard sets has really helped fuel my competitive spirit, and I can’t wait to see the results of the hard work at the next race. Although cycling is the discipline in which I have the least to gain, I’ve also been really enjoying the hammerfests with my friend, James, as well. A few years ago he became a pure cyclist, and this year he has come out of winter with the best fitness of his life. I’m no slouch on the bike, but even I have trouble keeping up on his wheel sometimes now. Although I still put a ton of miles in on my own, having company for harder sessions has made training just a little more fun and caused me to push just a little bit harder.

With not much racing these past few weeks, there’s not much to write about in this month’s blog!

August will see a flip, with much less training and quite a bit of racing and travel. On August 12th I will be at Benton Harbor, MI for 70.3 Steelhead, then hopping on a plane to Ireland and racing in Europe for the first time at 70.3 Dun Laoghaire on August 19th. These races, along with some training partners, have really kept me focused on training this month, and I’m excited to get to put the hard work to use on the race courses. Hopefully the August blog will be a recounting of some fast races. Thanks for reading, stay tuned!

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